Thanksgiving baby, Elijah Grayson.


Thanksgiving, I expected to eat my chicken (C’mon who likkkes turkey?) and fixin’s, put on fat pants and lounge around the living room. But a few minutes into dinner I got the phone call. On my favorite holiday and I barely had a plate of the most delicious food?! My sister was seven centimeters dilated, so I picked up my other two younger siblings and drove to the hospital. Now, I’m not going to lie. Watching the birth was….. an interesting experience. Its not at all like you see. Two nurses (one very rude, one very nice) paced around the room while my sister’s boyfriend and I held her legs back and she pushed like a maniac. Of course they came in when they were needed but for the most part they stood back and watched. St. Joe’s in Paterson, avoid it at all costs, just sayin’. But I had expected to be in the delivery room and watch and take photos of this life changing event. To document his birth. The nurses nixed that idea out of the box. PUT YOUR CAMERA AWAY, is what I heard. Nurse Katie, you’re getting coal in your stocking, she spoke to me like I was six years old stealing a cookie before dinner.

But Elijah came to us, and I unexpectedly cried the moment his head popped out. It was so overwhelming. My first real nephew. I didn’t expect to cry. I really didn’t, but then again I’ve never experienced something so powerful. We cried. They cleaned up the baby. He had some little problems so he had to stay in the hospital, its been a week now and he’s probably coming home tomorrow. Yay!

Welcome to the world my beautiful nephew. I’m so happy your momma picked my favorite name for your middle name, and didn’t end up naming you something terrible!

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