What sweet people. I know I say it all the time. And, though I do mean it each time I say it. I have never meant it more than now. These two adore each other. You can see it in the way Chantal looks at Jozsef, and in the way he speaks so highly of her (and her beautiful face!). They had a small intimate affair where they had their closest friends and family surround them to wish them many blessings in marriage. Jozsef’s father couldn’t be here from Eurpoe but he got to Skype in and see his son get married. Technology, y’all. Its amazing. His father wrote a letter of sweet words to read. I also couldn’t get over how sweet and inviting everyone was. Just honestly a joy and pleasure to photograph this wedding. It was an honor to be able to see their happy tears as they exchanged sweet vows to one another. It is an honor to photograph any wedding, but when a couple has a small intimate affair that I get to be a part of it makes it all that more special. I get to witness the promise of love, and it’s awesome. Congratulations Chantal and József!
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